Faculty Search in Quantum Info and Condensed Matter at Washington Univ

11/10/2019 9:43:01 AM

Lance Cooper via Nadya Mason

We have a faculty search this year in the area of experimental quantum information and materials / condensed matter at Washington University in St. Louis. With the recent retirement of four condensed matter faculty, we're looking to bring in motivated assistant professors who can help define new directions for our department. We are also very interested in continuing the recent diversification of our faculty and actively seek and encourage applications by women and under-represented minorities.

If you know of excellent candidates who are on the market this year, I'd be much obliged if you would direct them toward our ad either in recent issues of Physics Today or at https://quantumsensors.wustl.edu/faculty-opening-2019/. I'm also happy to hear from anyone directly if they have questions regarding the Physics department, Washington University, and even life in St. Louis--especially the latter, in fact, since having lived here for several years I can confidently state that national news doesn't always fairly represent the region!

Erik Henrikson