PHYS 213

PHYS 213 - University Physics: Thermal Physics

Spring 2025

Univ Physics: Thermal PhysicsPHYS213A168939LEC20900 - 0950 M W  141 Loomis Laboratory Jeffrey P Filippini
Univ Physics: Thermal PhysicsPHYS213A268940LEC21000 - 1050 M W  141 Loomis Laboratory Offir Cohen
Univ Physics: Thermal PhysicsPHYS213A368941LEC21100 - 1150 M W  141 Loomis Laboratory Offir Cohen
Univ Physics: Thermal PhysicsPHYS213D2A68942DIS00800 - 0950 T  222 Loomis Laboratory Karin A Dahmen
Univ Physics: Thermal PhysicsPHYS213D2B68943DIS00800 - 0950 T  35 Loomis Laboratory  Emily Dillingham
Univ Physics: Thermal PhysicsPHYS213D2E68944DIS01000 - 1150 T  222 Loomis Laboratory Bryce Koerner Herrington
Univ Physics: Thermal PhysicsPHYS213D2F68945DIS01000 - 1150 T  35 Loomis Laboratory Chloe Beth Richards
Univ Physics: Thermal PhysicsPHYS213D2J68946DIS01200 - 1350 T  222 Loomis Laboratory Rares Fota
Univ Physics: Thermal PhysicsPHYS213D2K68947DIS01200 - 1350 T  35 Loomis Laboratory Timothy Matthew Chung
Univ Physics: Thermal PhysicsPHYS213D2M68948DIS01400 - 1550 T  222 Loomis Laboratory Ian Cordeiro
Univ Physics: Thermal PhysicsPHYS213D2N68949DIS01400 - 1550 T  35 Loomis Laboratory  Emily Dillingham
Univ Physics: Thermal PhysicsPHYS213D2R68950DIS01600 - 1750 T  222 Loomis Laboratory Bryce Koerner Herrington
Univ Physics: Thermal PhysicsPHYS213D2S68951DIS01600 - 1750 T  35 Loomis Laboratory Andrew Clarke
Univ Physics: Thermal PhysicsPHYS213D3A68954DIS00800 - 0950 W  222 Loomis Laboratory Ian Cordeiro
Univ Physics: Thermal PhysicsPHYS213D3B68957DIS00800 - 0950 W  35 Loomis Laboratory Kaitlyn Rose Prokup
Univ Physics: Thermal PhysicsPHYS213D3E68958DIS01000 - 1150 W  222 Loomis Laboratory Bryce Koerner Herrington
Univ Physics: Thermal PhysicsPHYS213D3F68959DIS01000 - 1150 W  35 Loomis Laboratory Chloe Beth Richards
Univ Physics: Thermal PhysicsPHYS213D3J68961DIS01200 - 1350 W  222 Loomis Laboratory Timothy Matthew Chung
Univ Physics: Thermal PhysicsPHYS213D3K68962DIS01200 - 1350 W  35 Loomis Laboratory Shashwat Chakraborty
Univ Physics: Thermal PhysicsPHYS213D3M68963DIS01400 - 1550 W  222 Loomis Laboratory Shashwat Chakraborty
Univ Physics: Thermal PhysicsPHYS213D3N68964DIS01400 - 1550 W  35 Loomis Laboratory Rares Fota
Univ Physics: Thermal PhysicsPHYS213D3R68965DIS01600 - 1750 W  222 Loomis Laboratory Kaitlyn Rose Prokup
Univ Physics: Thermal PhysicsPHYS213D3S68967DIS01600 - 1750 W  35 Loomis Laboratory Rohan Joshi
Univ Physics: Thermal PhysicsPHYS213D4A68971DIS00800 - 0950 R  222 Loomis Laboratory Kaitlyn Rose Prokup
Univ Physics: Thermal PhysicsPHYS213D4B68972DIS00800 - 0950 R  35 Loomis Laboratory Timothy Matthew Chung
Univ Physics: Thermal PhysicsPHYS213D4E68973DIS01000 - 1150 R  222 Loomis Laboratory Rohan Joshi
Univ Physics: Thermal PhysicsPHYS213D4F68974DIS01000 - 1150 R  35 Loomis Laboratory Andrew Clarke
Univ Physics: Thermal PhysicsPHYS213D4J68975DIS01200 - 1350 R  222 Loomis Laboratory Rares Fota
Univ Physics: Thermal PhysicsPHYS213D4K68976DIS01200 - 1350 R  35 Loomis Laboratory Shashwat Chakraborty
Univ Physics: Thermal PhysicsPHYS213D4M68977DIS01400 - 1550 R  222 Loomis Laboratory Chloe Beth Richards
Univ Physics: Thermal PhysicsPHYS213L1A68956LAB00800 - 0950 M  64 Loomis Laboratory Alexey Bezryadin
Univ Physics: Thermal PhysicsPHYS213L1E68966LAB01000 - 1150 M  64 Loomis Laboratory Drew Kim
Univ Physics: Thermal PhysicsPHYS213L1J68970LAB01200 - 1350 M  64 Loomis Laboratory Derek Pan
Univ Physics: Thermal PhysicsPHYS213L1M68983LAB01400 - 1550 M  64 Loomis Laboratory Derek Pan
Univ Physics: Thermal PhysicsPHYS213L1R68984LAB01600 - 1750 M  64 Loomis Laboratory Carson Gause
Univ Physics: Thermal PhysicsPHYS213L2A68987LAB00800 - 0950 T  64 Loomis Laboratory Derek Pan
Univ Physics: Thermal PhysicsPHYS213L2E68989LAB01000 - 1150 T  64 Loomis Laboratory Carson Gause
Univ Physics: Thermal PhysicsPHYS213L2J68990LAB01200 - 1350 T  64 Loomis Laboratory Haoran Sun
Univ Physics: Thermal PhysicsPHYS213L2M68991LAB01400 - 1550 T  64 Loomis Laboratory Shreya Arya
Univ Physics: Thermal PhysicsPHYS213L2R68992LAB01600 - 1750 T  64 Loomis Laboratory Drew Kim
Univ Physics: Thermal PhysicsPHYS213L3A68996LAB00800 - 0950 W  64 Loomis Laboratory Carson Gause
Univ Physics: Thermal PhysicsPHYS213L3E68998LAB01000 - 1150 W  64 Loomis Laboratory Andrew Liu
Univ Physics: Thermal PhysicsPHYS213L3J68999LAB01200 - 1350 W  64 Loomis Laboratory Andrew Liu
Univ Physics: Thermal PhysicsPHYS213L3M69000LAB01400 - 1550 W  64 Loomis Laboratory Haoran Sun
Univ Physics: Thermal PhysicsPHYS213L3R69001LAB01600 - 1750 W  64 Loomis Laboratory Andrew Liu
Univ Physics: Thermal PhysicsPHYS213L4A69004LAB00800 - 0950 R  64 Loomis Laboratory Drew Kim
Univ Physics: Thermal PhysicsPHYS213L4E69005LAB01000 - 1150 R  64 Loomis Laboratory Simone Mezzasoma
Univ Physics: Thermal PhysicsPHYS213L4J69006LAB01200 - 1350 R  64 Loomis Laboratory Simone Mezzasoma
Univ Physics: Thermal PhysicsPHYS213L4M69007LAB01400 - 1550 R  64 Loomis Laboratory Shreya Arya
Univ Physics: Thermal PhysicsPHYS213L4R69008LAB01600 - 1750 R  64 Loomis Laboratory Haoran Sun

Official Description

First and second laws of thermodynamics including kinetic theory of gases, heat capacity, heat engines, introduction to entropy and statistical mechanics, and introduction to application of free energy and Boltzmann factor. A calculus-based approach for majors in engineering, mathematics, physics and chemistry. Course Information: Credit is not given for both PHYS 213 and PHYS 101. Prerequisite: PHYS 211; credit or concurrent registration in MATH 241. Class Schedule Information: For students in engineering, mathematics, physics and chemistry. Exams are given in the evening (during fall and spring semesters). PHYS 213 meets only during part of the term; check the meeting dates. Register for a lecture (A) section, a discussion (D) section and a laboratory (L) section. Engineering students must obtain a dean's approval to drop this course after the second week of instruction.