Alumnus Dr. Jim Carrubba Gives Next Spring 2013 Physics Careers Series on Thursday, Jan. 31


Lance Cooper

The next talk in the Spring 2013 Physics Careers seminar series will be held on Thursday, January 31, 2013 with alumnus Dr. Jim Carrubba (PhD '97):

Time: 11:00 a.m. on Thursday, January 31, 2013 (refreshments served starting at 10:30 a.m.)

Location: 204 Loomis Laboratory (Interaction Room)

Title:  Secondary Considerations

Speaker: Dr. Jim Carrubba, University Laboratory High School, Urbana, Illinois

Abstract:  Is teaching high school physics a "waste" of a PhD? I'll talk about that, and argue---invoking a novel, dimensionless quantification of teacher satisfaction, invented just for occasions like this---that secondary instruction may be more rewarding than teaching physics at other levels. I will discuss the pros and cons of my profession with utter honesty, and warn prospective teachers of the one potentially fatal---and possibly surprising---consideration against the field.

Bio: I hold an AB from Harvard and an MS and PhD from the University of Illinois, all in Physics. I've been teaching at University Laboratory High School in Urbana---it's the quasi-Gothic building northwest of MRL---since 1997.

You can see the rest of the Spring 2013 Physics Careers Seminar series here: