SPE History: A Glance Back Through the Years (1993-2022)

Past Topics and Speakers

Click on a year to learn more. All professors are physics, unless otherwise noted.

Director: Irene Lira-Andsager

Position Lecture Title Speaker
1 Traffic of Molecular Motors on the Genome Sangjin Kim
2 Portrait of a Black Hole Charles Gammie
3 Physics and Baseball: Having Your Cake and Eating It Too Alan Nathan
4 The Future Prospects of Science Martin Gruebele
5 How to Build a Quantum Computer Using Aluminum Angela Kou

Director: Patrick Snyder

Position Lecture Title Speaker
1 How to Stop Covid-19 Using Mathematics Nigel Goldenfeld
2 When Stars Attack! Near-Earth Supernova Explosions and their Radioactive Fingerprints Brian Fields
3 Cosmic Journeys, Quantum Voyages: Exploring Physics through the Arts Smitha Vishveshwara
4 Reverse alchemy: turning gold into the most perfect liquid Jaki Noronha-Hostler
5 Arts, Science, and the Elegant Universe Lindsay Olson & Dr. Kirsty Duffy

Director: Patrick Snyder

Position Lecture Title Speaker
1 Creating Photoreal Digital Human Characters for Movies, Games, and Virtual Reality Paul Debevec
2 Touching All The Bases: A Peek Inside the World of a Baseball Physicist Alan Nathan
3 Artificial Topological Materials: Designing for the 22nd Century Bryce Gadway
4 The Mysterious Muon Aida El-Khadra
5 Electromagnetic Radiation from Free Electrons: From AM Radio to Free Electron Lasers James Eckstein
6 What is a Physicist Doing Studying Biology? Paul Selvin

Directors: Brian DeMarco & Liang Yang

Position Lecture Title Speaker
1 A Look Inside the Hottest Matter in the Universe Anne Sickles
2 Sustainable Energy Scott Willenbrock
3 Inflation and the Hot Big Bang: The Quantum Origin of Structure in the Universe Peter Adshead
4 Towards a Quantum Internet Virginia Lorenz
5 Ubiquitous Crackling: from Nanocrystal, to Neurons, to Earthquakes, to Stars Karin Dahmen
6 Even Evolution Can't Have it All Seppe Kuehn


Directors: Brian DeMarco & Liang Yang

Position Lecture Title Speaker
1 When Stars Attack! Radioactive evidence for a near-Earth supernova explosion Brian Fields
2 Visualization in Science, Technology and the Arts Donna Cox
3 Radiation, friend or foe? Kevin Pitts
4 Nuclear Proliferation: Can terrorists buy, steal or build a nuclear bomb? Matthias Grosse Perdekamp
5 How Small Can We Go? The physics behind nanoscale electronics Nadya Mason
6 Understanding Nature's Micro Swimmers Yann Chemla

Directors: Peter Adshead & Inga Karliner

Position Lecture Title Speaker
1 Exoplanets Jon Thaler
2 Visualizing the Amazing Quantum World Vidya Madhavan
3 What can theoretical physics tell us about the evolution of early life? Nigel Goldenfeld
4 Black Holes, Gravitational Waves, and LIGO Edward Seidel
5 The Hidden Universe: Dark Matter and Dark Energy Jeffrey Filippini
6 Visit to the Large Hadron Collider(LHC) where the Higgs Boson was Found Verena Martinez Outshoorn

Directors: Peter Adshead & Inga Karliner

Position Lecture Title Speaker
1 The First Galaxies in the Universe and the ALMA Telescope Joaquin Vieira
2 Building Emergent Biological Machines Rashid Bashir
3 Hunting for the Elusive Neutrino Liang Yang
4 How Laws, Sausages, and Science are Made: an Inside View of How Science Really Works Peter Abbamonte
5 I'm Beginning to See the Light: Properties and Applications of our Friendly Photons Paul G. Kwiat
6 How to Train your Photon Virginia Lorenz

Directors: Liang Yang & Inga Karliner

Position Lecture Title Speaker
1 Decisions, Decisions: How Cells Sense Their Environment and Make Decisions to Adapt and Respond Thomas E. Kuhlman
2 This Old Zero-Net-Energy House Scott S. Willenbrock
3 Everyone Loves Science Mats A. Selen
4 When Stars Attack! In Search of Killer Supernova Explosions Brian D. Fields
5 Building Mountains: How Forces in the Earth Raise Rock Miles into the Sky Stephen Marshak
6 Magnets and Big Machines: The Use of Neutrons to Explore Magnetism in New Materials Gregory MacDougal

Directors: Liang Yang & Inga Karliner

Position Lecture Title Speaker
1 Nature's Biological Nanomachines  Yann Chemla 
2 Creating Quantum Matter at the Coldest Temperatures in the Universe  Brian Demarco
3 Baby Stars: Take A Solar Mass of Gas and Dust and Just Add Gravity  Leslie Looney 
4 The Ultimate MRI: Magnetic Resonance Force Microscopy  Raffi Budakian 
5 Why is There Mass? Tony M. Liss
6 What Is Inside Jupiter and Saturn and How Do We Know?  David M. Ceperley 

Directors: Naomi Makins, Inga Karliner, & Kevin Pitts

Position Lecture Title Speaker
1 The Quantum Information Revolution  Paul Kwiat
2 A Billionth of a Billionth of a Meter: Building a Microscope for the Observation of Quarks and Anti-Quarks Inside the Proton  Matthias Grosse Perdekamp 
3 How We Think and Move at the Smallest Scale   Paul Selvin 
4 Extrasolar Planets   Jon Thaler  
5 Our Weird Quantum World 

Michael Weissman 

6 Understanding the Energy Challenge: It Takes More Than Science  Paul Debevec 
A glance into 2012 SPE: Professor Kwiat talks about the quantum information revolution
A glance into 2012 SPE: Professor Kwiat talks about the quantum information revolution


Directors: Naomi Makins, Inga Karliner, & Kevin Pitts

Position Lecture Title Speaker

Exotic Objects of the Cosmos: Neutron Stars, Pulsars and Black Holes

Frederick Lamb

The Physics of Climate Change

Scott Willenbrock 
3 The Mysterious Neutrino  Jen-Chieh Peng
4 Corked Bats, Humidors and Steroids: The Physics of Cheating in Baseball Alan Nathan  
5 Transforming Science, Policy and the Power Grid with High Temperature Superconductivity 

Laura Greene

6 Inside Out: How Physics Has Revolutionized Medical Imaging P. Scott Carney, Electrical and Computer Engineering
A glance into 2011 SPE: Professor Nathan's advertisement for his lecture on the physics of cheating in baseball
A glance into 2011 SPE: Professor Nathan's advertisement for his lecture on the physics of cheating in baseball

Directors: Naomi Makins, Inga Karliner, & Kevin Pitts

Position Lecture Title Speaker

Black Holes and Other Strange Objects in the Sky

Charles Gammie, Physics and Astronomy

2 Quarks and Cold Atoms: From the Hottest to the Coldest Places in the Universe 

Gordon Baym

3 A Curvy, Stretchy Future for Electronics   John Rogers, Materials Science & Engineering 

Physics of Genes and Why It Matters to You

Aleksei Aksimentiev


A Trip Through the Light Fantastic: Tricks with Light in Science and Nature

Lance Cooper


Unlocking the Dark Secrets of our Universe: How Studying the Smallest Things with the Biggest Science Project Ever Gets to the Heart of the Matter

Tony Liss

Directors: Naomi Makins, Inga Karliner, & Kevin Pitts

Position Lecture Title Speaker

Exotic Superconductors: New Mysteries, Exciting Applications

Dale Van Harlingen

2 Decision Making in Living Cells

Ido Golding

3 The Dark Side of the Universe Brian Fields, Physics and Astronomy

Understanding Complex Systems

Alfred Hubler


The Atom Chip

Benjamin Lev


From Blindness to Sight: The Physics of Vision Restoration

Dr. Samir Sayegh, MD, PhD

Directors: Inga Karliner & Kevin Pitts

Position Lecture Title Speaker

How We Use Light to Illuminate Biology

Bob Clegg 

2 The Pervasive Nature of Feedback in Natural and Engineered Systems 

Andrew Alleyne, Mechanical Science and Engineering 

3 Transforming Science Policy, and the Power Grid with High Temperature Superconductors   Laura Greene 

The Physics of UFOs 

Kevin Pitts 


Law and Science 

Amy Gajda, Law School, Journalism 


Special lecture May 2009
Angels & Demons: The Science Revealed 

Kevin Pitts and Mark Neubauer 

A glance into 2008 SPE: Professor Pitts' gets help from the audience on a demonstration
A glance into 2008 SPE: Professor Pitts' gets help from the audience on a demonstration

Directors: Inga Karliner & Kevin Pitts

Position Lecture Title Speaker

The Great Scientific Instruments: Why We Build Them

David Hertzog

2 The Liquid Crystalline State of Matter: From the Laboratory to the Shopping Mall 

Paul Goldbart 

3 Fire or Ice? The Fate of the Universe    Jon Thaler 

Over the Moon with Carbon Nanotubes 

Nadya Mason 


Mysteries of the Cold Universe 

Smitha Vishveshwara 

Directors: Inga Karliner & Kevin Pitts

Position Lecture Title Speaker

Corked Bats and Rising Fastballs: Using Physics to Debunk Some Myths of Baseball

Alan Nathan

2 Why Can't Time Run Backwards

Anthony Leggett (Nobel Laureate in Physics 2003; NAS;
Knight Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire, Fellow of the Royal Society)

3 Physics of the Body   Klaus Schulten 

Looking for 10^-16 m Objects with a 10 ^4m Microscope 

Tim Stelzer 


Phonon Imaging: Seeing Sound in Solids 

James Wolfe 

A glance back: Professor Nathan after his lecture about using physics to debunk some myths of baseball
A glance back: Professor Nathan after his lecture about using physics to debunk some myths of baseball

Directors: Inga Karliner & Kevin Pitts

Position Lecture Title Speaker

Einstein's Miracle Year

Paul Kwiat

2 From Transistor to Light-Emitting Transistor

Milton Feng, Electrical and Computer Engineering


Looking into Brain with Lasers


Enrico Gratton


The Latest from Broadway to Loomis: The First 10 Microseconds of the Universe

Matthias Grosse-Perdekamp


Quantum Mechanics: Stranger Than We Can Imagine

Michael Weissman

Directors: Inga Karliner & Kevin Pitts

Position Lecture Title Speaker

Steaming Geysers and Puffing Volcanoes

Susan Kieffer, Physics and Geology


What is Absolute Zero? Ultra-cold Quantum Weirdness

Brian DeMarco


Could a Defense Against Intercontinental Missiles Work?
History and Technology

Frederick Lamb


From the Infinite to the Infinitely Small. Probing the Cosmos at an Accelerator

Tony Liss


Little Engine that Could: How Tiny Motor Proteins Move on a Molecular Highway

Taekjip Ha


The Crystals that Nature Cannot Make

Jim Eckstein

Directors: Inga Karliner & Kevin Pitts

Position Lecture Title Speaker

Human Induced Climate Change: An Introduction and Overview

Michael Schlesinger, Atmospheric Sciences


Light From Black Holes

Charles Gammie, Physics and Astronomy


How We Use Light to Illuminate Biology

Robert Clegg


Complex Systems: Where Physics Meets Life

Alfred Hubler


It's So Weird, It's So Simple, and You'll Derive It for Yourself Entirely From Scratch, Right There In Your Seat: Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity.

George Gollin


The Elusive Neutrino: Why Something That Does So Little Matters So Much.

Mats Selen

Directors: Inga Karliner & Kevin Pitts

Position Lecture Title Speaker

Something Quantum This Way Comes

Paul Kwiat


Physics in the Early Universe: Ingredients of the Primordial Soup

Brian Fields, Physics and Astronomy


The Physics of Music

Steven Errede


A Trip Through the Light Fantastic: Tricks with Light in Science and Nature

Lance Cooper


All About Energy

David Ruzic, Nuclear Engineering

Directors: Inga Karliner & Kevin Pitts

Position Lecture Title Speaker

Phonon Imaging: Seeing Sound in Solids

James Wolfe


Bose-Einstein Condensation: A Journey to the Coldest Places in the Universe

Gordon Baym (NAS)


Liquid Crystals: From the Laboratory to the Shopping Mall

Paul Goldbart


Peering inside the Proton

Naomi Makins


The Physics of Dance

George Gollin


Science: the Good, the Bad and the Ugly

Jon Thaler

A glance back: Professor Thaler demonstrating the ugly side of science
A glance back: Professor Nathan after his lecture about using physics to debunk some myths of baseball

Directors: Mats Selen & Kevin Pitts

Position Lecture Title Speaker

The Education of John Bardeen, Double Nobel Prize Physicist

Lillian Hoddeson, Physics and History


The Universe: From Big Bang Till Today

Brian Fields, Physics and Astronomy


Biophysics, How Nerves Fire and Muscles Contract

Paul Selvin


Chaos: The Science of Non-Elephants

David Campbell, was Physics Department Head; became Dean of Engineering, Boston University


The Mystery of Mass

Scott Willenbrock

A glance into 2000 SPE: Cynthia Chiang speaks with people after Professor Fields' lecture
A glance into 2000 SPE: Cynthia Chiang speaks with people after Professor Fields' lecture

Directors: Mats Selen & Inga Karliner

Position Lecture Title Speaker

Finessing Photons: Interesting Ways in Which Light is Manipulated in Science and Nature

Lance Cooper


The Art and Science of Pin Hole Camera

Peter R. McCullogh, Astronomy


Computational Science: The Real World of Ideas

Roscoe Giles, Computer and Electrical Engineering, Boston University


Nuclear Magnetic Resonance: An Ingenious Experiment With Surprising Results

Charles Slichter (NAS)


The World of Quantum Mechanics: How is it Different from Our Everyday World?

Aida El-Khadra


Atom Smashes: Particle Accelerators and Detectors

Mats Selen

Director: Scott Willenbrock

Position Lecture Title Speaker

Exotic Objects of the Cosmos: Neutron Stars, Pulsars, and Black Holes

Frederick Lamb


Baseball: It's Not Nuclear Physics (or is it?)

Alan Nathan


High Temperature Superconductors: From Broken Symmetries to Cell Phones

Laura Greene


What's a Physicist Doing Studying Biology?

Paul Selvin


How Do Airplanes Work? Taking the Fear out of Flying a Piper Archer II

Deborah Errede


Is Music Composition More Elusive for Computers?

Douglas Hofstadter, Cognitive Science, Indiana University

Director: Scott Willenbrock

Position Lecture Title Speaker

Black Holes: A Video Voyage Through Einstein's Spacetime

Stuart Shapiro


Liquid Crystals: Strange Fluids That Don't Always Flow

Paul Goldbart


Using Chaos to Mix Fluids Well

Hassan Aref, Physics, Theoretical and Applied Mechanics


The Physical and Chemical Effects of Ultrasound

Kenneth Suslick, Chemistry


Radio Observations of Large Interstellar Molecules of Possible Biological Interest

Lewis Snyder, Astronomy


The Physics of Music

David Hertzog


The Particle Zoo and Who's Behind the Bars.

Tony Liss

Director: Paul Goldbart

Position Lecture Title Speaker

The Birth, Life and Death of Stars

James Kaler, Astronomy


Surfing Waves in the Microcosmos: Using Light Waves to View the Body

Eric Wiener


So You Thought Computers Could Do Anything? Some Probably Unsolvable and Infeasible Computational Problems

Michael Loui, Electrical and Computer Engineering


The Strange Fate of Cats (and Other Things) According to Quantum Mechanics

Anthony Leggett (Nobel Laureate in Physics 2003; NAS; Knight Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire; Fellow of the Royal Society)


Exotic Objects of the Cosmos: Neutron Stars, Pulsars, and Black Holes

Frederick Lamb


When Ash Meets Cowhide: The Physics of Baseball

Alan Nathan


My Time is NOT Your Time: Einstein's Relativity in Theory and Practice

Gary Gladding


Scanning Tunneling Microscopy, and Other Ways to Really See Atoms

Munir Nayfeh

Director: Paul Goldbart

Position Lecture Title Speaker

Watching the Social Activities of Atoms

Murray Gibson


Chaos: the Science of Non-Elephants

David Campbell


 No Escape from Black Holes

Ed Seidel, NCSA, Physics and Astronomy


Cosmic Collisions: Comet Shoemaker-Levy's Impact on Jupiter

Margaret Meixner, Astronomy


Never Be Lost Again

Jeremiah Sullivan


Active Mountain Building and Earthquakes

Wang-Ping Chen, Geology


Severe and Unusual Weather: the Roles of Science and Technology

John Walsh, Atmospheric Sciences

Director: David Hertzog

Position Lecture Title Speaker

What is Everything Made of? 

Gordon Baym (NAS) 


Liquid Crystals: Strange Fluids That Don't Always Flow

Paul Goldbart


Superfluid Superstars: An Inside View of a Pulsar

David Pines (NAS)


 No Escape from Black Holes

Ed Seidel, NCSA, Physics and Astronomy 


Magnetic Resonance Imaging: From Physics to Medicine

Paul Lauterbur (Nobel Laureate in Physiology and Medicine 2003) Chemistry, Center for Advanced Study

6 What is Mass?

Scott Willenbrock


The Collision of Quantum Mechanics with Supercomputers

Philip Phillips

A glance back: Professor Goldbart talking about liquid crystals
A glance back: Professor Goldbart talking about liquid crystals

Director: David Hertzog

Position Lecture Title Speaker

Looking into the Brain with a Laser

Enrico Gratton


Liquid Crystals: Strange Fluids That Don't Always Flow

Paul Goldbart


What is Everything Made of?

Gordon Baym (member of the National Academy of Sciences, NAS)


The Particle Zoo and Who's Behind the Bars

Tony Liss


Magnetic Resonance Imaging: From Physics to Medicine

Paul Lauterbur (Nobel Laureate in Physiology and Medicine 2003) Chemistry, Center for Advanced Study