Bardeen Prize
The John Bardeen Prize was established in 1991 by the organizers of the International Conference on the Materials and Mechanisms of Superconductivity (M2S) in honor of Dr. John Bardeen for theoretical work that has provided significant insights on the nature of superconductivity and has led to verifiable predictions. The award is sponsored by the Department of Physics of the University of Illinois and by the Friends of Bardeen.
The Bardeen Prize is given every three years at the M2S Conference.
Winners of the John Bardeen Prize
- Andrey V. Chubukov, Igor Mazin, Sebastian Doniach (2018), presented at Beijing, China
“for sustained theoretical contributions to the field of unconventional and multi-orbital superconductivity and superconducting quantum fluctuations: to Andrey Chubukov for seminal contributions to the theory of unconventional superconductivity, including applications to the iron-based superconductors, to Igor Mazin for influential first-principles theoretical approaches to a broad class of multi-orbital superconductors, such as MgB2 and the iron-based compounds and to Sebastian Doniach for pioneering work on Josephson junction coupled arrays and layered superconductors, quantum fluctuations in superconductors, and the possibility of a superconductor-insulator transition.”
- Vinay Ambegaokar (2015), presented at Ithaca, NY, USA
“for his contributions to the statics, dynamics and kinetics of Josephson junctions and nanowires.”
- James Avery Sauls, Chandra M. Varma, and Steven Allan Kivelson (2012), presented at Washington, DC, USA
“for their work on unconventional superconductivity: to James Avery Sauls and Chandra M. Varma for their works on the identification of the pairing symmetry, pairing mechanism, and multiple superconducting phases in heavy-fermion superconductors , and to Steven Allan Kivelson for his works on the role of phase fluctuations and on the interplay between unconventional superconductivity and electronic inhomogeneity”
- David Pines (2009), presented at Tokyo, Japan
“for phonon-mediated pairing of electrons in conventional superconductors and superfluidity in nuclear matter”
- Alexander Andreev, Kazumi Maki, Doug Scalapino (2006), presented at Dresden, Germany
“for their work on quasiparticles in superconductors: to A. Andreev for the prediction of Andreev scattering, to K. Maki for his work on gapless quasiparticle excitations due to pair-breaking and for elucidating the role of fluctuations and to D. Scalapino for his contributions to life time effects of quasiparticles and how strong correlations affect their properties”
- Anatoly Larkin, David Nelson, Valerii Vinokur (2003), presented at Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
“for their contributions to the theory of vortex matter”
- T. Maurice Rice (2000), presented at Houston, TX, USA
“for the physical insight he brought to the understanding of the superconducting state in strongly correlated materials in general, and for the prediction of unconventional pairing in Sr2RuO4 in particular”
- Philip Anderson (1997), presented at Beijing, China
“for his contributions to the understanding of broken symmetry, the order parameter in the A and B phases of superfluid helium three and the role of impurities in metallic superconductors”
- Anthony J. Leggett, G. M. Eliashberg (1994), presented at Grenoble, France
“for the development of the pairing theory to account for the thermodynamic and dynamic properties of strong coupling superconductors”
- Vitaly L. Ginzburg, Alexei A. Abrikosov,Lev P. Gor'kov (1991), presented at Kanazawa, Japan
“The John Bardeen prize was awarded to a group of theoreticians who, in cooperation, developed the GLAG theory which has proved the most useful tool to investigate superconductivity phenomenologically and, further, has also been playing a vital role in the studies of the high temperature superconductors. ”