Admitted Undergraduates

2024/25 PhySAB officers (left to right) Brendan Nolan, Suvinay Goyal, Lakshman Goel, and Sam Rosner
2024/25 PhySAB officers (left to right) Brendan Nolan, Suvinay Goyal, Lakshman Goel, and Sam Rosner

Physics Student Advisory Board (PHYSAB)

PhySAB represents the Physics student body and advises department administrators. The advisory board changes every year and has representatives for each class. Our projects include planning departmental town halls, physics research symposia, and more! 


2024-2025 SWIP Board
2025 SWIP Board
Top Row (left to right): Keira Kelliher, Katie Powers, Srishti Gupta, Refia Caliskan
Bottom Row (left to right): Rebecca Shi, Belinda Li, Nishna Aerabati 


Society for Women In Physics (SWIP)

The goal of the Society for Women in Physics (SWIP) is to support women in physics and provide a social and professional network among the female students in the physics department. All majors and genders are welcome! 

Fall 2022 SWIP Officers

  • President: Srishti Gupta
  • First Pet: Moop
  • Vice President: Belinda Li
  • Secretary: Katie Powers
  • Treasurer: Nishna Aerabati
  • Department Liaison: Refia Caliskan
  • Social Chair: Keira Kelliher
  • Internal Affairs: Rebecca Shi

Email SWIPVisit SWIP Website

PhysVan Coordinator Rohan Narasimhan
PhysVan Coordinator Rohan Narasimhan
PhysVan Coordinator Henry Bonzak
PhysVan Coordinator Henry Bonzak

Physics Van

The Physics Van travels to elementary schools in Champaign-Urbana, IL and towns in the surrounding area. We show kids that as long as you want to learn and have fun, there's a world of physics waiting to be discovered! 


Rohan Narasimhan

Henry Bonzak

Email Physics Van               Request a Physics Van Show

Contact Us

Coordinator of Undergraduate Recruitment, Research, and Placement
290Q Loomis Laboratory