Alumna Carla Busick Gives Final Fall 2016 Physics Careers Seminar on Nov. 17
11/13/2016 4:48:51 PM
The final Fall 2016 Physics Careers seminar series will be held on Thursday, November 17, 2016 with alumna Dr. Carla Busick of Sandia National Laboratory:
Time: 11 a.m. on Thursday, November 17, 2016 (refreshments served at 10:30 a.m.)
Location: 204 Loomis Laboratory (Interaction Room)
Title: The Accidental Physicist
Speaker: Carla Busick, Distinguished Member of Technical Staff, Sandia National Laboratory
Abstract: Every era presents a spectrum of scientific challenges; there will be no shortage to which you may practically apply your education and be challenged. At work I build a defensible, decision basis on a foundation of data. Must life’s decisions be so formal? Especially given extracurricular, volunteer opportunities – many rewarding prospects exist to experience and share math and science. I feel fortunate to have had plenty chances to work and share within the field. After a few years of trying different assignments, it didn’t seem very critical to actively “plan my career” as others continue to advise. It’s prudent to stay current, and networking and clear communication are very helpful, but as long as you keep an open mind and manage your expectations, even taking a somewhat, passive approach to your career, there’s always something interesting lurking around the corner.
Bio: Ms. Busick helps maintain the U.S. Nuclear Weapon stockpile as a component, product realization, Project Lead and Distinguished Member of Technical Staff (DMTS) at Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) in Albuquerque, New Mexico. In 1985 Carla received her BS in Physics from the University of Illinois after growing up in Urbana. SNL employed Carla during her Junior-year summer, in the field of Renewable Energy. After earning her BS in Physics, she worked for a couple years as a Satellite Systems Engineer at Hughes Aircraft Company, Space & Communications Group in L.A. After earning an Optics MS in 1989 from the University of Arizona in Tucson, Carla returned to L.A. for a year in Hughes’ Electro-Optical Group working on Reagan’s Star Wars programs then transferred to work on innovative defense projects at Hughes’ Albuquerque Engineering Lab; back in Albuquerque, Carla reached out to her SNL summer mentor, then transferred back to SNL, where she has been working for the past 23 years, excepting a “sabbatical” with the Department of Energy, in Washington, DC in 2015.
You can see the rest of the Fall 2016 Physics Careers Seminar series here: