Alumnus Dr. Anshul Kogar of MIT Gives Next Spring 2017 Physics Careers Seminar
2/27/2017 9:51:06 AM
The Spring 2017 Physics Careers seminar series continues on Friday, March 3, 2017 with Dr. Anshul Kogar of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology:
Time: 11 a.m. on Friday, March 3, 2017 (refreshments served at 10:30 a.m.)
Location: 204 Loomis Laboratory (Interaction Room)
Title: Anecdotes From the Postdoc Limbo
Speaker: Dr. Anshul Kogar, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Abstract: In this talk, I will address why I decided to pursue the postdoctoral path and how I landed where I have. I also hope to give you a flavor of what it is like juggling various aspects of postdoc life, including both work and more personal aspects. I will highlight certain similarities and differences between being a postdoc and a graduate student. Moreover, I will compare and contrast the atmosphere among postdocs at a national laboratory versus a university department. Please bring questions (and tomatoes, just in case!); I hope that this will be more of an honest conversation rather than a conventional seminar.
Bio: After finishing up his degree in condensed matter physics in Urbana, Anshul spent a year at Argonne National Laboratory before moving to MIT, both as a postdoc. He maintains a blog, This Condensed Life, which discusses certain topics in condensed matter physics and academic life.
Note: While he's in Urbana, Dr. Kogar may be available to discuss life as a postdoc. If you would like to meet with him on Friday, March 3, please send me an e-mail,, and I'll try to arrange a meeting.
You can see the rest of the Spring 2017 Physics Careers Seminar series here: