Dr. Gregory Mack of APS Public Affairs Office Gives Final Spring 2017 Physics Careers Seminar
4/19/2017 6:38:51 PM
The Spring 2017 Physics Careers seminar series concludes on Thursday, April 27, 2017 with Dr. Gregory Mack, American Physical Society Office of Public Affairs:
Time: 12 noon. on Thursday, April 27, 2017 (refreshments served at 11:30 a.m.)
Location: 204 Loomis Laboratory (Interaction Room)
Title: A Physicist Goes to Washington
Speaker: Dr. Gregory Mack, Office of Public Affairs, American Physical Society
Abstract: While physics is an investigation of the world around us, physicists and the practice of physics research exist within the world in combination with aspects of society. This means that physicists and physics research are subject to federal policies and regulations that affect how physics is done. Who decides or influences those policies? Who speaks up on our behalf? Who investigates policy issues from a physics point of view? As physicists, we can lend our expertise and insight in order to ensure a fruitful future for physics and science more broadly, whether it be an occasional policy action taken or a career in science policy and government relations. In this talk I’ll share the story of my transition from academia to a policy-focused career at APS and what it means to be a physicist on the frontlines of government relations.
Bio: Gregory Mack is the American Physical Society's Government Relations Specialist. In this role he focuses on grassroots advocacy and education policy for the APS physics community. Prior to joining with APS in January 2016, he was a AAAS Science & Technology Policy Fellow at the National Science Foundation in the Division of Physics. There, he worked on initiatives to improve NSF's communication about physics and science, and was also directly involved with Physics grant programs. The grant programs shifted to be the focus when he served a brief stint as a Program Director in NSF's Division of Astronomy following the fellowship. He received his PhD in physics, specifically theoretical astrophysics, from The Ohio State University in 2008 and was a Visiting Assistant Professor of Physics and Astronomy at Ohio Wesleyan University from 2009 to 2013. Science communication is a big interest of his, including different approaches such as integrating science and dance.
Note: While he's in Urbana, Greg may be available to discuss careers in science policy. If you would like to meet with him on Thursday, April 27, please send me an e-mail, slcooper@illinois.edu, and I'll try to arrange a meeting.
You can see the rest of the Spring 2017 Physics Careers Seminar series here: http://physics.illinois.edu/calendar/careers/