It's Time to Make Spring 2019 TA Requests: Deadline November 14, 2018

9/27/2018 6:00:41 AM

Lance Cooper

It's time to start making TA requests for Spring 2019!  Please do the following by Wednesday, November 14:

1. First, talk with your research advisor (if you have one) about the source of your support for Spring 2019.

2. If you need a TA position for Spring 2019 (i.e., you will not have any RA support from your advisor), next, use the following link to get to the TA preference form for Spring 2019,, and indicate the TA appointment percentage you're requesting for Spring 2019. Note that a full TA appointment is 50%. If you want a partial TA appointment (e.g., 25% TA and 25% RA) or a 17% TA appointment in addition to a 50% RA appointment (to cover an additional course section), please indicate this at the top left of the form.

3. Finally, please indicate your course preferences, and fill out your available times during the Spring 2019 semester. Please select as many two-hour blocks of time as possible, as this makes the difficult TA scheduling process easier. To the extent possible, I will make TA assignments on a first-come-first-served basis, so the earlier you complete your self-evaluation and get your preferences in, the more likely it will be that you'll get one of your top choices. Please complete the TA preference form as soon as possible, as I will start making TA appointments immediately. Again, if you're not sure if you need to be supported partially or fully by a TA position, please consult with your advisor as soon as possible.

We need your Spring 2019 support information no later than Wednesday, November 14*. Please let me know ( if you have any questions about your TA preferences. Enjoy the rest of your summer!

*Yes, this is much earlier than in the past! We have to move up the processing of TA appointments to abide by the requirements of the new GEO contract