Spring 2019 Physics Careers Seminars Continue on April 4 with Benjamin Villalonga Correa

3/28/2019 6:41:51 PM

Lance Cooper

The Spring 2019 Physics Careers seminar series continues on Thursday, April 4, 2019 with PhD student Benjamin Villalonga Correa:

Time: 11 a.m. on Thursday, April 4, 2019 (refreshments served at 10:30 a.m.)

Location: 204 Loomis Laboratory (Interaction Room)

Title: Research internships as a grad (undergrad) student

Speaker: PhD Student Benjamin Villalonga Correa, Dept. of Physics, University of Illinois

Abstract: In this talk, I will share my experience as a research intern at the quantum computing team at NASA. I will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of taking some time off your graduate (undergraduate) work to do research in a field of your interest at a more industry related environment. For those interested in the field of quantum computing, I will talk about the current opportunities for students, as well as how physicists with seemingly unrelated backgrounds can be a good fit in this growing field.

Bio: I am a PhD student in Bryan Clark’s group, at the University of Illinois. My current focus is on computational condensed matter and, in particular, I work on the simulation of quantum lattice systems. I collaborate with NASA’s and Google’s quantum computing teams, with whom I work on the simulation of Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum devices for their calibration and benchmarking.

You can see the rest of the Spring 2019 Physics Careers Seminar series here: http://physics.illinois.edu/calendar/careers/