Register for the Virtual Women Empowered in STEM (weSTEM) Conference

11/2/2020 1:52:16 PM

Lance Cooper

When: Saturday, February 13, 2021

Join the Graduate Society of Women Engineers (GradSWE) at Illinois on Saturday, Feb. 13, 2021, for the annual Women Empowered in STEM (weSTEM) Conference. STEM leaders in academia and industry alike will share their insights on pursuing diverse career paths beginning with a graduate degree. This year's conference is virtual, but will still include panel discussions and breakout sessions to facilitate one-on-one interactions with these speakers and promote the discussion of topics unique to the graduate student experience. Come fuel your inspiration to excel in your field, motivation to complete your graduate degree, and passion for making an impact on the world.

Registration is filling up quickly and will close on November 18th, 2020, or when we reach capacity, so register today to secure your spot! Attendees this year will receive all conference swag (t-shirts, gift cards, etc.) prior to the conference.

Please contact Zeynep Ayla ( with any questions.

Learn more and register at: