M. Eng. in Instrumentation & Applied Physics

Master of Engineering in Instrumentation and Applied Physics

An interdisciplinary master's degree
for technical and managerial careers

9 months

time for program completion

No GRE required


of physics master's recipients secure employment within a year of graduation *

* American Institute of Physics, national average

Residential program

Sample projects

  • Position and frequency dependence of a symphonic hall's acoustic response
  • Measuring/mapping track irregularities on the AMTRAK Illinois Central line
  • Bovine methanogenesis
  • Monitoring oxygen delivery to intubated patients sharing a respirator

Our capabilities

  • Record 12-bit audio at 70 kHz
  • Synchronize devices to 1 μsec
  • GPS position updates at 1 Hz
  • ± 0.2 Pa barometric pressure measurement precision
  • Methane, VOC detection
  • Acceleration/vibration measurements at 500 Hz
  • Mavic 2 PRO drone, >300 gram payload
  • LoRa 915 MHz radio communications
  • Visible and near-IR imaging
  • Airborne particulates sensing, and much more...