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Nuclear Physics Seminar - Isaac Legred (Caltech) "Extreme Matter from Extreme Gravity and Back Again"
Isaac Legred (Caltech)
Nuclear Physics Seminar - Ian Moult (Yale) "Energy Correlators at the Collider Frontier"
Ian Moult (Yale)
Nuclear Physics Seminar - Abhi Modak (University of Brescia) "Overview of charged- and neutral-particle production at the LHC energies with ALICE"
Abhi Modak(University of Brescia)
Nuclear Physics Seminar - Wenbin Zhao (LBL) "Connections between Heavy-ion Collisions and Electron-Ion Collisions"
Wenbin Zhao (LBL)
Nuclear Physics Seminar - Abhijit Majumder (Wayne State) "What remains to be learnt from jet quenching in heavy-ion collisions?"
Abhijit Majumder (Wayne State)
Nuclear Physics Seminar - Austin Baty(UIC) "Quarkonia suppression in small systems at the LHC and prospects for hadronization studies at the EIC"
Austin Baty (UIC)
Nuclear Physics Seminar - Jorge Noronha (UIUC) "Causal theories of fluid dynamics: from heavy-ion collisions to binary neutron star mergers"
Jorge Noronha (UIUC)
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