Morten Lundsgaard

Morten Lundsgaard
Morten Lundsgaard

Primary Research Area

  • Physics Education
Coordinator of Physics Teacher Development
(217) 244-5674
301B Loomis Laboratory


  • Ph.D. Physics, Kansas State University, 1995
  • M.S. Physics, University of Copenhagen, 1991
  • B.S. Physics and Mathematics, University of Copenhagen, 1987

Academic Positions

  • Coordinator of Physics Teacher Development, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Physics Education Research and professional development for teachers, 2009 - present
  • Research Associate, University of Michigan, Science Education, 2007-2009
  • High school teacher, Ordrup Gymnaisum (Denmark), Physics-Mathematics-Astronomy-Physical Sciences, 1999-2007
  • Postdoctoral Fellow - Foundation for Fundamental Research on Matter, Utrecht University, Atomic Physics, 1998-1999
  • Marie-Curie Postdoctoral Fellow, Utrecht University, Atomic Physics, 1996-1998

Selected Articles in Journals

  • A. Dubois, J. P. Hansen, M. Lundsgaard and S. E. Nielsen, Orientation and alignment effects in H+ + Na collisions, J. Phys. B 24, L269-L274 (1991).
  • M. F. V. Lundsgaard and C. D. Lin, Reduced close-coupling calculations for electron capture processes in collisions of multiply charged ions with atoms, J. Phys. B 25, L429-L434 (1992).
  • M. F. V. Lundsgaard, N. Toshima, Z. Chen, and C. D. Lin, Electron capture from elliptic Rydberg states, J. Phys. B. 27, L611-L617 (1994).
  • M. F. V. Lundsgaard, N. Toshima, Z. Chen, and C. D. Lin, Electron capture from circular Rydberg states, Phys. Rev. 51, 1347-1350 (1995).
  • M. F. V. Lundsgaard, Z. Chen, and C. D. Lin, Electron capture in K++ ion collisions with Na(4d), J. Phys. B 28, 859-868 (1995).
  • M. F. V. Lundsgaard and S. E. Nielsen, Coherence parameters for He+(2p) capture and H(2p) excitation in He2++H(1s) collisions, Z. Phys. D. 34, 97-105 (1995).
  • M. F. V. Lundsgaard, N. Toshima, and C. D. Lin, Dependence of electron loss cross section on the alignment and orientation of elliptic Rydberg states, J. Phys. B. 29, 1045-1062 (1996).
  • M. F. V. Lundsgaard, S. E. Nielsen, H. Rudolph, and J. P. Hansen, Multi-crossing Landau-Zener and close-coupling calculations of electron transfer in H++Li(2s,2p) collisions, J. Phys. B 31, 3215-3232 (1998).
  • D. M. Homan, O. P. Makarov, O. P. Sorokina, K. B. MacAdam, M. F. V. Lundsgaard, C. D. Lin, and N. Toshima, Electron capture from a directed Stark-Rydberg state. I Fore-and-aft ratios, Phys. Rev. A 58, 4565-4571 (1998).
  • M. F. V. Lundsgaard and H. Rudolph, Vibrationally resolved cross sections for single-photon ionization of LiH, J. Chem. Phys. 111, 6724-6734 (1999).
  • H. Short, M. F. V. Lundsgaard, and J. Kraijcik, How do geckos stick?, The Science Teacher 75 (8), 38-43 (2008).
  • L. Blank, A. Snir, and M. F. V. Lundsgaard, Virtual Modeling, Science and Children 52, 30-35 (2015).
  • B. Gutmann, G. Gladding, M. Lundsgaard, and T. Stelzer, Mastery-style homework exercises in introductory courses: Implementation matters, Physics Review Physics Education Research 14, 010128 (2018).

Magazine Articles

Other Scholarly Activities

  • Spring 2016 Meeting of the Illinois Section of AAPT at Urbana-Champaign, April 22-23, 2016

Professional Societies

  • Illinois Section of AAPT, President Elect, 2018
  • Illinois Section of AAPT, President, 2015

Public Service Honors

  • ISAAPT Distinguished Service Citation (2017)

Recent Courses Taught

  • PHYS 100 - Thinking About Physics
  • PHYS 394 - Pedagogy Teaching Physics
  • PHYS 398 LA - Soph/Junr Special Topics Phys

Semesters Ranked Excellent Teacher by Students

Fall 2021PHYS 394
Spring 2018PHYS 101