PHYS 495

PHYS 495 - Where the Arts Meets Physics

Fall 2024

Where the Arts Meets PhysicsPHYS495A78394LCD31500 - 1650 M  136 Loomis Laboratory Smitha Vishveshwara
Where the Arts Meets PhysicsPHYS495A78394LCD31500 - 1550 W  136 Loomis Laboratory Smitha Vishveshwara

Official Description

A project-based, cross-disciplinary course for students interested in exposure to the frontiers of physics and experiences in the arts. Students will explore physics topics through active participation in a broad range of artistic practices and expressions. Students will practice project design; independent study; team work; and dedicated assignments. Projects will be presented through an end-of-semester event. Event and topics are specific to each offering and may include physics-based museum exhibits, artistic work, and/or performance pieces. Course Information: 3 undergraduate hours. 3 graduate hours. May be repeated up to 6 hours in separate semesters, if topics vary. Prerequisite: Instructor Approval Required. Class Schedule Information: Students are expected to have a strong interest in both physics and the arts. Junior level course or equivalent in either Physics (or related field, such as Astronomy) or in the Arts (or related field, such as Design) expected. Research in any of