Dale J. Van Harlingen

The Loomis Confessions: Dale J. Van Harlingen

Donald Biggar Willett Professor in Engineering Dale Van Harlingen
Donald Biggar Willett Professor in Engineering Dale Van Harlingen


If you couldn’t be a physicist, what career would you choose?
A college football coach. I love the strategy, creativity, and teamwork required that is not so unlike what is required to do good physics. You get more money, but you have more stress. 


What is your favorite place?
California wine country because of the weather, the scenery, the food, and of course the wine.  No place on earth makes me happier!


What is the greatest scientific blunder in history?

Not recognizing that teaching the methods, significance, and elegance of science is just as important as doing good science.  Overlooking that has in part led to the ignorance and skepticism of science by a large portion of the population, to the detriment of our culture, our country, and our planet. 


Who is/are your favorite artist(s) in any medium?  

Painters:  van Gogh and Rembrandt—it’s a Dutch thing.  

Classical composers:  Rachmaninoff and Rimsky-Korsakov.  

Songwriter/singers:  Van Morrison, Carole King, Stevie Nicks, Vince Gill.  

Authors:  Historical novels by Ken Follett, science-based novels by Michael Crichton, and medical thrillers by Robin Cook. 

Filmmakers:  Francis Ford Coppola (The Godfather) and Mel Brooks (Blazing Saddles).


Who is/are your favorite hero(es) in life or in fiction?

Barack Obama (for obvious reasons), John Bardeen (even more obvious), and William the Conqueror (for no good reason). 


Who is/are the villain(s) you love to hate?

Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin, most Republicans, Tom Brady, and Aaron Rodgers.


What is your idea of happiness?

A nice dinner with good wine and good music and good friends.


What is your idea of misery?

Any dinner without wine.  And health issues.


What quality do you most admire in others?

Positivism and energy. 


What scientific question do you hope will be answered in your lifetime?

For my current research, the existence and functionality of Majorana Fermions. More globally, the prevention and cure of cancers and other debilitating conditions.