Nico Yunes

The Loomis Confessions: Nico Yunes

Nicolas Yunes
Illinois Physics Professor Nico Yunes

If you couldn’t be a physicist, what career would you choose?

Indiana Jones.


What is your favorite place? 

Middle Earth.

What is the greatest scientific blunder in history? 

The scientific acceptance of truthiness and alternative truths.

Who is/are your favorite artist(s) in any medium—painters, composers, authors, filmmakers? 


Who is/are your favorite hero(es) in life or in fiction? 

Jean Luc Picard.


Who is/are the villain(s) you love to hate? 



What is your idea of happiness? 

family + cold Belgian beer + sand + ocean waves + sun

What is your idea of misery? 


What quality do you most admire in others? 


What scientific question do you hope will be answered in your lifetime? 

What is consciousness?